Different is Beautiful!

Different is Beautiful!

Friday, December 31, 2010

December 31, 2010 - Asperger's I Hate You!

I hate you Asperger's. I hate you with all of my being. You rob the soul, the joy, the comfort from those that you descend upon. You isolate. You frighten. You deplete hope and optimism. You annihilate success. You emasculate triumph. You trap in an envelope of darkness.

I just need a glimmer - a glimmer will sustain me. A glimmer of hope. A glimmer of creativity. A glimmer of joy. A glimmer of a future that will be...anything other than what I fear it will be.

I need time. I need space. I need strength. I need compassion. I need understanding. I need support. I need companionship. I need love. I need abundance.

Asperger's I hate you! Daughter, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you.