Ok, first I want to start of by bragging a bit about a couple of victories that my daughter had earlier this month, that I haven't mentioned yet. First - she exhibited work at the Sacramento Arts Festival, which is a huge art fair held at our convention center. There are artists and craftsmen from all over the country exhibiting there, and our school district exhibits artwork from each of its schools, by grade and genre and that work is judged by a panel. My daughter won first prize for an acrylic that she submitted. It's my favorite of her work, so it was wonderful to see it recognized. She got a huge blue ribbon and a $25 cash prize which she cashed and spent on more canvas and paints. I felt good about that.
Later that week, she was named Student of the Month for academic achievement! And she ran for Student Class President! Considering that two years ago she was completely school phobic and on home hospital and that last year, she made it through just by the grace of God - this is huge. HUGE!! Her teachers and principal were concerned about her achievements last year, but everyday that she was there was a victory for her. Everyone is completely supportive this year and relishing in her achievements.
This week, however I've seen a backslide on the part of her teachers. I think because she's been doing so well, they've assumed that she's cured of her Asperger's and therefore they no longer need to honor her IEP accommodations. She was given detention everyday this week, in one case for work that she'd completed, but handed in late - it was due today and she handed it in today, but didn't have it available when she arrived in class. My daughter's IEP includes an additional time accommodation - which in my opinion is the most important accommodation there is, except for NO DETENTION!
This kind of backsliding has me scared to death. My daughter is sitting behind me, it's almost 8:30 and she's struggling through homework. I hate harrassing her to get it done, she gets upset and my older daughter has to be on call for math tutoring on a regular basis. It's exhausting for the entire household. I sent each of her teachers and her principal an email outlining my concerns, the key will be whether or not they respond. I'm so, so tired and I know my daughter is exhausted. I don't think that her teachers realize that homework consumes about four hours a night, every night - that leaves no time for family time, no going out to dinner, no going to family functions - nothing on weekdays. It sucks! The one positive - she's doing it! My daughter is sitting there working through it, no major tantrums, just getting it done. She's a sav!
Remember - DIFFERENT IS BEAUTIFUL!! (And exhausting)